2. 新增自定義的全域函式(helpers function)
Laravel 定義了很多常用的全域變數,但如果我們想要自己定義的話,就須要靠這個來執行了,譬如每頁都會有專有的<h1>標題,若要每頁都寫的話,未免太麻煩!不如開一個views來專門顯示就好,所以需要定義一個Function來判斷目前頁面的別名,然後自動取得對應的標題名稱即可。
/* * Application Service Providers... */ App\Providers\AppServiceProvider::class, App\Providers\EventServiceProvider::class, App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider::class,
新增 app/Providers/HelperServiceProvider.php
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class HelperServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Bootstrap the application services.
* @return void
public function boot()
* Register the application services.
* @return void
public function register()
foreach (glob(app_path().'/Helpers/*.php') as $filename)
新增 app/Helpers/AdminHelper.php
if ( ! function_exists('breadcrumbs'))
* Return breadcrumbs for each resource methods
* @return string
function breadcrumbs()
$route = Route::currentRouteName();
// get after last dot
$index = substr($route, 0, strrpos($route, '.') + 1) . 'index';
$breadcrumbs = '<div class="page-bar">';
$breadcrumbs .= '<ul class="page-breadcrumb">';
$breadcrumbs .= '<li><i class="fa fa-home"></i> <a href="'.route('admin.root').'"> '.trans('admin.menu.home').'</a></li>';
// if not admin root
if(strpos($route, 'root') === false)
$breadcrumbs .= strpos($route, 'index') !== false ? '<li class="active">' : '<li>';
$parent_text = strpos($route, 'index') !== false ? trans($route) : trans($index);
$breadcrumbs .= strpos($route, 'index') !== false ? $parent_text : '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i> <a href="'.route($index).'">'.$parent_text.'</a>';
$breadcrumbs .= '</li>';
if(strpos($route, 'index') === false)
$breadcrumbs .= '<li class="active"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>'.trans($route).'</li>';
$breadcrumbs .= '</ul></div>';
return $breadcrumbs;
if ( ! function_exists('header_title'))
* Return the header title for each page
* @return string
function header_title()
$route = Route::currentRouteName();
$title = '<h1 class="page-title">';
$title .= trans(Route::getCurrentRoute()->getName());
if( strpos($route, 'index') !== false )
$new = substr($route, 0, strrpos($route, '.') + 1) . 'create';
$title .= '<small>';
$title .= '<a href="'.route($new).'" title="'.trans($new).'">';
$title .= '<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>';
$title .= '</a>';
$title .= '</small>';
$title .= '</h1>';
return $title;
在適當的viess插入:(ex: header.blade.php)
{!! header_title() !!}
{!! breadcrumbs() !!}
就可以看到目前頁面的名稱(by route別名): header_title(),以及頁面層級 breadcrumbs()